Technical Articles

Analysis of the main causes of chip mounter throwing

Return Source: Xiangdafeng Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd Time: 2021-02-20

In the SMT production process, how to control production costs and improve production efficiency is a matter of great concern to business owners and engineers, which is closely related to the material throwing rate of the placement machine. The following is about the material throwing problem of the placement machine.

The so-called throwing refers to the placement machine in the production process, after absorbing the material, it does not stick, but throws the material into the throwing box or other places, or does not absorb the material and performs the above throwing action. In order to optimize the production efficiency and reduce the cost, the problem of high throwing rate must be solved.

The main reasons and Countermeasures of throwing materials are as follows

Reason 1: suction nozzle problem, suction nozzle deformation, blockage, damage, resulting in insufficient air pressure, air leakage, resulting in suction can not pick up, improper reclaiming, identification and throwing.

Countermeasures: clean and replace the suction nozzle;

Reason 2: recognition system problems, poor vision, vision or laser lens is not clean, there are debris interference recognition, improper selection of recognition light source and insufficient intensity and gray, and the recognition system may be broken.

Countermeasures: clean and wipe the surface of the recognition system, keep it clean and free from impurities, adjust the intensity and gray of the light source, and replace the components of the recognition system;

Reason 3: location problem, the reclaiming is not in the center of the material, the reclaiming height is not correct (generally based on pressing 0.05mm after touching the part), resulting in deviation, the reclaiming is not correct, there is deviation, and the identification is not consistent with the corresponding data parameters, so it is abandoned as invalid material by the identification system.

Countermeasures: adjust the reclaiming position;

Cause 4: vacuum problem, insufficient air pressure, unsmooth passage of vacuum gas pipe, blockage of vacuum passage by guide, or leakage of vacuum, resulting in insufficient air pressure and unable to pick up materials, or falling on the way to paste after picking up.

Countermeasures: adjust the air pressure gradient to the required air pressure value of the equipment (such as 0.5 ~ ~ 0.6MPa -- Yamaha Mounter), clean the air pressure pipeline and repair the leakage air path;

Reason 5: program problems, the edited program component parameters are not set correctly, with the actual size of the incoming material, brightness and other parameters do not match, resulting in identification failed and was discarded.

Countermeasures: modify the component parameters and search for the best parameter setting of the component;

Reason 6: the problem of incoming materials, irregular incoming materials, pin oxidation and other unqualified products.

Countermeasures: IQC do a good job in incoming material testing, contact with component suppliers;

Cause 7: feeder problem, feeder position deformation, feeder feeding bad (feeder bevel gear damage, material belt hole is not stuck on the feeder bevel gear, there are foreign matters under the feeder, aging spring, or poor electrical), resulting in poor reclaiming or throwing, and feeder damage.

Countermeasures: adjust the feeder, clean the feeder platform, and replace the damaged parts or feeder;

When there is throwing phenomenon to be solved, you can first ask the field personnel, through description, and then directly find the problem according to the observation and analysis, so as to more effectively find out the problem and solve it, and improve the production efficiency, but occupy more machine production time

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